469, 245 Banawe St, Santa Mesa Heights, Quezon CityRecreation Areas
Banawe Street (Chinatown Quezon City)
469, 245 Banawe St, Santa Mesa Heights, Quezon City
On the 2nd of October 2013, the Quezon City government unveiled two Chinese páifāng (arches that are also called pailou) at the north and south intersections of Banawe Road and Quezon Avenue, officially declaring the thirteen barangays of Doña Josefa Edralin Marcos, Lourdes, Maharlika, Manresa, Mayor Norberto Salandanan Amoranto, Paang Bundok, Saint Peter, Salvacion, San Isidro Labrador, Santa Teresa de Ávila, Santo Domingo de Guzman, Santa Caterina d’Siena, and Tatalon as part of the Quezon City Chinatown. The declaration of the Quezon City Chinatown was enacted via the city ordinance 3039 of the 25th of August 2005, as coordinated by the Quezon City Tourism Office, the Quezon City Association of Filipino Chinese Businessmen Inc.